Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[GLAM] New Year, New You!

Here come the resolutions!!

Facebook is awash with inspirational quotes and resolutions right now. It can't be a little pretentious, I know. Nonetheless, I am a big advocate of the New Year's Resolution, so long as it is done for YOU. Too many people,  women especially, sprint off to a gym the first week of January and by March they're elbow deep in Cherry Garcia and guilt. For goals to work, you have to believe in yourself and even more importantly, you have to accept who you are NOW before you can become the person you'll be tomorrow.

Hippy-dippy bullshit? Maybe. But I can tell you that I've see what happens to women when they say "you know what? I feel like crap and I want to feel like a goddamn superhero!" My friend Kate did that when she joined the MIX Wellness Superwoman Slim Down (a whole foods detox program) last Spring. She asked me to join her and somehow we came out of that 3-week test of willpower on top. We both felt great and changed our eating habits for the better. We both "re-toxing" this month to kick the year off and perhaps to make up for the seven or eight plates of cookies I may or may not have consumed. Ahem.

Kate never does anything half-assed, so she wanted to take her detox revelations through the rest of the year. Experts on goal setting always emphasize the importance of deadlines and accountability in goal setting. Kate used our GLAM Sessions as her accountability. Kate dropped 20lbs, shopped all year for her session, brought along three girlfriends and we had an absolute blast!

I loved Kristen's Superwoman Slim Down so much I'm giving her January 2014 Superwomen discounted GLAM Sessions to celebrate their success. Now Kate is an advertorial model. Boom!

I love the idea of goal setting and what happens when you decide to get HEALTHY and LOVE YOURSELF instead of "thin". This year, set goals for you...what will truly make you happier? What will give you the guts to step in front of my camera and do a photo session for YOU. Not your husband or boyfriend...for YOU.

Kate says the GLAM Session experience is "empowering" and I love that. You are beautiful as you are, right here, right now. Say it with me ladies: I am awesome!

If you're stumped on resolutions, borrow these:
Embrace yourself. 
Love yourself.
Push yourself.

Have a safe and happy new year, everyone! We had a great 2013 and can't wait for what's next!